Weber Consulting

short introduction



HPLC Columns Selection Tool

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Cogent Similars - USP Alternate Columns

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HPLC 2025 (Bruges, Belgium)

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About Us

In the Beginning:

Weber Consulting was founded by dr. Laszlo Weber in 1997.
Between 1980-97 Laszlo worked 6 years for the Water Research Centre (Budapest, Hungary), 3 years for the Department of Food Hygiene, University of Veterinary Sciences, 3 years for the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and 5 years for SUPELCO.

The Growing Years:

Weber Consulting is best known for providing sales and technical support for SPE products and air sampling media / equipment.
Now, as an international distributor for the leading brand names of HPLC columns, accessories and other supplies, we are capable of supplying customers with a complete solution for their chromatographic needs.

Where we're going:

Weber Consulting is committed to bringing maximum value to its customers by the triumvirate of BEST QUALITIY PRODUCTS + QUICK DELIVERY + GOOD PRICES. Our targeted customers are chromatographers working for universities, food control laboratories, CROs, and multinational pharmaceutical companies. They are located mainly in Hungary but we also export to Croatia and Slovenia.