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Cogent Similars - USP Alternate Columns

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HPLC 2025 (Bruges, Belgium)

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Discover with MicroSolv

State-of-the-Need products at exceptional value

Using a special technology, the ligands are bonded directly to the TYPE-C silica surface with two separate points of attachment for extreme durability even at very low pH (1.0). This combination gives very stable, efficient and unique HPLC columns that have a wider range of compounds to be separated. Since there are virtually no silanols and the silica surface is slightly hydrophobic, these columns can be used with 100% aqueous mobile phases.

Cogent C (Type-C Silica based) phases

Phase Functional group Endcapped Particle, um Pore, A Carbon, %
Silica-C - - 4 100 -
Silica-C 2.0 - - 2.2 120 -
DIOL DIOL - 4 100 9 - 10
DIOL 2.0 DIOL - 2.2 120 9 - 10
Amide Amide - 4 100 2 - 3
Diamond Hydride proprietary - 4 100 >0.5
Diamond Hydride 2.0 proprietary - 2.2 120 2
Bidentate C8 C8 - 4 100 13 - 14
Bidentate C8 2.0 C8 - 2.2 120 11 - 12
Bidentate C8 300 C8 - 5 300 5
Bidentate C18 C18 - 4 100 18 - 19
Bidentate C18 2.0 C18 - 2.2 120 20
Phenyl Hydride Phenyl - 4 100 10 - 12
Phenyl Hydride 2.0 Phenyl - 2.2 120 9 - 10
UDA Undecanoic acid - 4 100 14 - 15
UDA 2.0 Undecanoic acid - 2.2 120 14 - 15
UDC-Cholesterol Alkyl-cholesterol - 4 100 13 - 14
UDC-Cholesterol 2.0 Alkyl-cholesterol - 2.2 120 13 - 14


Cogent HPS (High Purity Silica based) phases

Phase Functional group Endcapped Particle, um Pore, A Carbon, %
HPS-Silica Silica - 5 120 -
HPS-C8 C8 Yes 5 120 11.5
HPS-C18 C18 Yes 5 120 18.5
HPS-CN Cyano No 5 120 7.5
HPS-NH2 Amino No 5 120 4.1
HPS-Phenyl Phenyl Yes 5 120 12


Cogent NP and RP phases

Phase Functional group Endcapped Particle, um Pore, A Carbon, %
NP-Silica Silica - 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 -
NP-Silica Silica - 5, 10 300 -
NP-DIOL DIOL - 3, 5, 10 100 4
NP-DIOL DIOL - 3, 5, 10 300  
NP-CN Cyano - 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 6
RP-CN Cyano - 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 6
RP-CN Cyano - 5, 10 300 3
NP-NH2 Amino - 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 4
NP-NH2 Amino - 3, 5, 10 300 3
RP-C4 C4 - 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 6
RP-C4 C4 - 3, 5, 10 300 3
RP-C8 C8 Yes 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 11
RP-C8 C8 No 3, 5, 10 300 5
RP-C12 C12 Yes 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 16
RP-C18 C18 Yes 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 19
RP-C18 C18 Yes 3, 5, 10 300 8
RP-C18-PE C18-Amide Yes 3, 5, 10 100 16
RP-C30 C30 Yes 3, 5, 10 200 19
RP-PFP Pentafluorophenyl Yes 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 9
RP-Phenyl Phenyl Yes 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 15
RP-Phenyl Phenyl Yes 3, 5, 10 300 5
RP-Biphenyl Biphenyl Yes 1.8, 3, 5 100 16
RP-Phenyl-Hexyl Phenyl-Hexyl Yes 1.8, 3, 5, 10 100 15


Cogent IEX (Ion Exchange) phases

Phase Functional group Endcapped Particle, um Pore, A Carbon, %
Cogent IEX SAX SAX No 5, 10 100 8
Cogent IEX SCX SCX No 5, 10 100 4
Cogent IEX WAX WAX No 5, 10 100 11
Cogent IEX WCX WCX No 5, 10 100 4


Cogent Similars - USP Alternate Columns

Phase Functional group Endcapped Particle, um Pore, A Carbon, %
Cogent MicroBee HPLC columns match the selectivity of µBondapak
MicroBee Silica Silica   5, 10 125  
MicroBee CN Cyano   5, 10 125  
MicroBee NH2 Amino   5, 10 125  
MicroBee C8 C8   5, 10 125 8
MicroBee C18 C18   5, 10 125 10
MicroBee Phenyl Phenyl   5, 10 125 8
Cogent Hyper-Similars HPLC columns match the selectivity of Hypersil BDS
Hyper-Similars C8 C8   3, 5 150  
Hyper-Similars C18 C8   3, 5 150  
Cogent Nova-Similars HPLC columns match the selectivity of Nova-Pak
Nova-Similars C8 C8   4 60 7
Nova-Similars C18 C18   4 60 10
Nova-Similars Phenyl Phenyl   4 60  
Cogent Zx-Similars HPLC columns match the selectivity of Zorbax
Zx-Similars C8 C8   3, 5 80 8
Zx-Similars C18 C18   3, 5 80 12



HILIC columns vs. Cogent Type-C silica-based columns

Cogent Type-C columns in ANP (Aqueous Normal Phase) mode outperform HILIC columns in the following areas:
- retain nonpolar compounds by RP mechanism
- retain polar compounds by NP mechanism
- BOTH RP and NP mechanisms can operate simultaneously
- can separate samples with BOTH polar and nonpolar analytes
- equilibration time for gradient elution is 5 minutes between runs

  Learn more about HILIC vs. Type-C






Cogent Diamond Hydride column separates Vancomycin using a simple gradient with water, acetonitrile, and formic acid.
Vancomycin - retention of a highly polar antibiotic
Cogent Phenyl Hydride columns: unique selectivity for compounds with aromatic rings with all the TYPE-C silica benefits. These columns can be used in RP, ANP or NP mode and changed back and forth without damage to the columns.
Orthogonal Assay for Fluoxetine


Cogent HPLC Columns Catalog


A new technology that saves you time and money
Cogent Type-C Silica-Based Bonded Stationary Phases - Quick Start Instructions
Cogent RP columns: Quick Ordering Guide


Pharmaceutical Applications
Clinical Applications
Environmental and Food Applications


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MicroSolv Chromatography Resource Center & Knowledge Base